Dark Themes. A Fey-touched realm with a history
of feuds between the Mortals and the Fey.

Room Rules

🪷 Please abide by RPC's Terms of Service at all times.

🌼 Fantasy setting; no future tech, please!

🌻Respect other players by keeping OOC at a minimum while RP is occurring.

🌹This room does allow smut, but please take more extreme fetishes to your DMs.

Lilya is the lady behind the bar, and owner of the Fawning Faun. She aims to make your experience as enjoyable as possible. Please reach out via DM or RPC Mail if you need help!

Displacer Beast, an odd little cat that isn't ever exactly where he seems to be. Known to cause a ruckus, he is a most fearsome predator; as fierce as he is dignified. Do well to keep the beast pleased!

Melenthe is the weary guardian of the inn. She favours direct solutions and quick action. Direct all complaints and attitudes to the fist.


The Fawning Faun is a cozy and welcoming tavern located in the quaint and charming Rosewood Village.

It features an enchanted wall where guests can place their weapons and items for safe keeping while they drink. Only they are able to retrieve their valued items.

The walls are made of dark, rich wood and adorned with various hunting trophies and other decorative items.

The tables and chairs are also made of the same dark wood as the walls, with comfortable cushions on the seats. The warm glow of candles and the fireplace fills the room, providing a cozy and relaxed atmosphere.

A large bar sits against the back wall, with a wide selection of wines, ales, and spirits on display. Behind the bar, shelves are lined with bottles of all shapes and sizes, and various herbs and spices used for cooking and brewing.

A door in the corner of the room leads to a small kitchen, where Lilya prepares her delicious meals.
Rosewood Village has a long and complicated history with the fey-kin, the descendants of fey beings who have interbred with mortals.

The fey-kin have long been seen as outsiders in Rosewood Village, and tensions between the two groups have simmered for generations. It houses a variety of shops and a bustling economy.

There are tales of great battles fought between the fey-kin and the humans who lived in the village, with both sides suffering heavy losses. Despite this conflict, the village has remained standing, and over time, the two groups have learned to coexist, albeit with a certain level of mistrust and unease.

Legends abound of the fey creatures who inhabit the woods surrounding the village, from mischievous pixies to sinister hags. Some villagers even claim to have seen the legendary Wild Hunt riding through the forest on certain nights, while others tell stories of being lured into the woods by enchanting faerie music.
The Myconian Grove is a mystical forest nestled in the heart of the feytouched lands near Rosewood Village. It's known for its towering hardwood trees and giant fungi that grow along their trunks and branches. The air is thick with the sweet scent of nectar and the hum of faerie wings.

The forest is home to a variety of creatures, some more friendly than others. The faeries are usually quite friendly to visitors, although they do have a mischievous streak. It's also home to all manner of other fey creatures such as pixies, sprites, and even unicorns. But there are also darker creatures lurking in the shadows, such as will-o'-the-wisps and bogles, so visitors should always be cautious.

There are many legends surrounding the Myconian Grove, but the most popular one is that the Faerie Queen herself holds court amidst the fungal trees. It's said that she is a beautiful and powerful creature, both generous and cunning.

Some say that she grants wishes to those who can find her court, while others say that she is a cruel and capricious ruler who delights in playing tricks on mortals. Whether these stories are true or not, there is no denying the enchanting and otherworldly nature of the Myconian Grove.